Monday, December 13, 2010

Winter Wonderland

Wow, that Dolphins game had some drama, Dear Criss. Kinda like Lifetime for men. Who trips people after third grade? Well, apparently the stinkin' Jets. I love what Channing Crowder said: "I wish they’d tripped me. I’d have broken that old man’s leg."

And my Pats ate up the poor Bears. Packers are next. Speaking of, former-Packer Brett Favre is breaking the streak tonight. Guess the extra day didn't help. The footage of that dome roof caving in yesterday was nuts! Did you see that?

Well, I guess we can both rest a little better now that our captains are back. Yours will play more than mine, but I'm still happy. And I'm starting to warm up about Carl Crawford. Looks much better (and nicer) in a Red Sox uni.


Photo: Barry Chin, The Boston Globe


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