Ah, Those Were the Days

You knew it was coming. The anniversary - yesterday, Oct. 20, 2004 - of the most wonderful day in Red Sox history. The day that seriously rivals the day to come later this month when we won the World Series. (Yes, that was very important, too. I won't ignore that. I value that day incredibly.) The day we beat your darling Yankees. The day I thought Karl Ravech on Baseball Tonight was gonna cry. Let's take a moment to daydream about that magical moment.
(Daydream here.)
So Audioslave. Well, it's not Billy Joel Bob Thornton. Love the pic. You gotta put up your Billy Joe pic for no reason. Promise? Oh, don't worry about this week's GG. They left the goodies for the end, so tune in next week. I'll fill you in later.
More RSN news. Dale Sveum - gone. Um, what's Wells' problem now? Fans in Boston liked him and apparently, it's annoying. Check out bostondirtdogs.com for the great quote. And the schedule is out, folks. Guess what I'm doing on June 30-July 2? I'll be at Joe Robbie, friend. Gotta start saving.
Okay, I gotta go count my hurricane candles supply. Hurricane, hurricane, go away...
Globe Staff Photo, Jim Davis; Boston.com
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