Monday, November 21, 2005

Florida to Boston

What's this about a Josh Beckett deal? Josh Beckett in Boston? In the Red Sox uni? Hmm, interesting. Let's see how this one pans out, Dear Criss. Josh Beckett with Varitek? Did you happen to catch Extreme Makeover last night? Curty was on and it was a good story.

And I'd like to point out that yesterday my Steve Young got his ring - and the 49ers lost, again. Sad, people. Couldn't you have won one for Steve?! But who would've thought this picture would be possible? Man, Steve deserves the love. Good for him. The SF Chronicle said, "beloved" Hall of Famer. Wow. You know you've made it. =)

Yeah, this morning, the DJ reported the news by saying, "And all of our teams lost yesterday." That's pretty lousy. And I'm not big into FL sports, but still.

Hang on, it's almost Thanksgiving "break." I think we both need it. Two days left!


Photo:, Kurt Rogers, San Franciso Chronicle


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