Back in Black
And the lopsided Yankee loss was one to forget, Dear Roxy. I didn't know the game was on when I turned the tv on. As soon as I saw the score, I thought it was a mistake. haha. Needless to say, I was wrong. Luckily, they split the series and no serious damage was done. I am, however, concerned about Wang's latest outings. I think he's injured. Can somebody on that clubhouse please check up on him? Please.
In other baseball news, the red hot Marlins' win streak came to a halt last night. They're just going to have to start a new one!
Very sad news on the polo-horse front. 21 horses died suddenly and of unknown causes. I hope this never happens again.
PS all I heard was blah blah blah on your Beckett rambling :)
Photo: Doug Benc, Getty Images
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