And she's back!

Where have you been, Dear Roxy? I was going to start looking for smoke signals. Did security guard at work kidnap you after you trashed-talk the Yankees?
Ha, your boy looks like a shrimp next to Jeter. Yes, we got re-swepted. I have no idea what's happening with my boys. I mean, get it together! They play horrible against your guys and the Rays. They need to get that straighten out. We're playing both teams about 15 times more so they better figure it out soon!
Maybe ARod can help. He is back and talk about being back. First pitch, out of here! You can't blame the steroids on this one.
Now Manny... Hmm, what can I say about him that I haven't said before? Nothing. Manny being Manny, right? Oh, yes, you said that. I have a new one: Manny Blah Manny.
James and the Cavs are playing outstanding. I don't think Atlanta is coming back from this one. On to the next team, Cavaliers.
And congratulations to LeBron for winning the NBA MVP award. I had my heart set on Wade, but this guy is definitely the clear winner.
Photo: AP
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