McCoy Takes Brady to School

Like Randy Moss bouncing around in one season. What was that all about?
The Dolphins loss to the Ravens.
Michael Vick taking the reigns back and meaning business against your darling Colts (blech). If he pulls this off, it's gonna make Peyton Manning sick all week.
Someone else who's gonna feel sick all week is Tom Brady, who got a shellacking from - The Browns. No kidding! Has Brady cut his hair yet? Maybe it's getting in his face when he's playing. And Wes Welker had to kick in an extra point. That's shows you what was going on in that game. Eric Mangini must be feeling good about Colt McCoy and Co.
You have to see the skit with Brady and Justin Bieber on ESPN's "The Mayne Event." Bieber says, "Seriously, bro. What's up with Brady's hair? I own this look. He's like 40. He's gonna be gray soon. He's gonna look stupid." Normally those Mayne skits don't make me laugh, but this one did, including Brady curling his hair in the mirror.
And you have some explaining to do about that Heat team. A lot of hype, but they don't look so hot.
Photo: Barry Chin, The Boston Globe
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