What a Waste of Rain

I suppose I can wait 'til next week, two weeks after that and three weeks after that to watch them tear each other's heads out! Sounds like fun!
The Heat won last night! It was a very close game until the 4th quarter and then Miami just took off. It's good to see the momentum back on their side.
And I'm so glad the Suns won.
And, how about them Clippers? They won their series against the Nuggets.
OK, enough basketball. I know how much it interests you and all...
I just read Tiger Wood's dad passed away. Very sorry about that.
Oh, more on the Jason Taylor road-rage incident... It turns out it was hardly a stab. The guy 'stabbed' Jason with a screwdriver. And Jason didn't even want medical attention. If you ask me, it was hardly anything. LOL
Photo: Mark Serota, Reuters
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