Stephen King makes me laugh in the book "Faithful." He has all these funny quirks and sayings and calls the Devil Rays, the "hapless" Devil Rays. So I can't help but think of that everytime we play them. And everytime, you'd think we were playing the Yankees in the ALCS. They and Toronto are just-- well, it's like the Sox need to watch more film, you know? I saw two of the three games, and it was a struggle. I hate watching them lose to the Rays. It's like watching the Patriots lose to the Dolphins in 2004 - stupid. Sorry, Dolphins. (I'm not a total Miami-team-hater, really.) But there were a million and four Sox fans at the game and you could hear them chanting. That's kinda sad for the Rays.
So, no word on Clemens. But, according to the Globe, seems like your Jeter talks to him
"a lot." And you guys are still watching this carefully. And you, my
Dear Criss, get with the schedule! The only team you're playing this month is MY team. Seriously, there are three series. Check the calendar.
Stephen Reed's cart at Faneuil Hall: Boston.com Staff Photo, Gary Dzen
They're hating on my man! I don't blame them, but that's kinda harsh!!!
That's what happens when you're Johnny Trader!!!!! (It is kinda extreme, that's why I put it up! Talk about passionate people!) Gotta go, game's gonna start!!!
The Red Sox beat the Yankees 30 minutes ago and no comments? Come on, Rox.
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