Lookin' Good

I swear, Dear Criss, that really happened! The guy was wearing a Yankee-Damon jersey and everyone freaked and he was being cocky and walking back and forth. Someone threw a drink at him and security came over. Everyone booed him as he walked about like a Yankee peacock. I didn’t tell you, b/c now that I rememberrrrrr, sooooomeone was supposed to call me back that day and forgot. Ahem.
Okay, Steve is too much. “SportingGuys”?! I love it. Don’t let anyone steal it. You can be our Brother Blog. Seriously, he’s starting to have his own column in our comments section. Ha ha!
I’m feeling the baseball excitement and YES, we play the Marlins, but shhh, ’cause I haven’t bought those tickets yet. (Don't sell out, please.) I will in the next week, so start thinking about whether or not you want to come. I’m going to two. The Sox are SMOKIN’, as an old Boston song goes. Of course, Wakey is pitching right now and things are not going well, but man! I’ll tell you, this new gang is a good blend (Wily Mo hasn’t won me over.) And YOUK!!!!!! He is just smackin’ those homeruns and his OBP must be like 42 gazillion. I clearly can’t measure OBP, but I know his is high, okay?
Sorry I’ve been absent this week. It’s been a bit busy. AND I had Le Jury Duty. Oh my gosh!
And Curty!!! You’re doing fantastical! Loretta!!! I can’t get the Beatles’ “Get Back” out of my head! I really underestimated Theo’s decisions. Again.
Youk & Papi Photo: Jim Davis, Boston Globe
Marathon: AP Photo on Globe Site
Don't underestimate Ted.
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