It Can Only Get Better (I Hope)

I'm totally going for the Jazz, Dear Criss. It figures you'd pick all the other teams. Poor Nash is getting assaulted at every game; I mean those guys are brutal. I suppose I can semi support the Suns, but I'm all about the Jazz. If only Stockton could've gotten a ring...
So apparently Yankees-loving security guard at work is no longer speaking to me. Listen, I'm loving the fire that's driving these guys. It's crazy. Matsuzaka's warming up, unfortunately Beckett needs a permanent Band-Aid. Lester needs to hurry up! Gotta keep this momentum going. So what if we lost tonight.
So you're going to the Subway Series - NICE!!! I need to hear the stories immediately. Oh, and on a totally separate note - no more GG!!!! AHHHHH!! So Sad.
I dare not comment on Tom Brady's team tastes. I wouldn't want to offend his Yankees-based fan club. But I invite him to throw out the first pitch in his little Yankees hat. Why not? It lacks taste! He doesn't play for the Dolphins and is spotted wearing a Tigers hat - I mean, this is the fiercest rivalry. Brett Farve can wear an Angels cap, and I really don't think anyone would care. Oh, my gosh, I'm not talking about this anymore.
AP Photo: Elise Amendola
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