A week to forget

Our pitching sucks!!!! What ever happened to our aces, or middle relieve and our closer?
Mariano, I still have lots of love for you though.
We soooo need to get our pitching together. No team wins without that!
Carl Pavano on the DL again? Arrghhh!@#&*@!
At least Wang is coming back. He's so good!
Our offense is pretty darn good! Look at ARod!!!! He has tied a major league record for homeruns in the month of April! Not only that, but he's done it in the least amount of days - AMAZING!!! Maybe this is a sign of good things to come for him and the rest of the team.
Changing teams but not the subject, the Heat are down 0-2 to Chicago. WTF?!#$%
Somebody needs to tell them to start showing up to these games. Can't win without it!
Sorry I've been lost, Rox, but with school, finals and papers due, I didn't have much time for anything. I'm back though... when are we eating some Boston-like pizza?
PS: I didn't think your Japanese pitcher was all that!
Photo: AP, Chris O'Meara
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