Dice-Que? What Happened?

The Dice-K excitement was great, and man did he give it to Ichiro. I loved how they switched to the game being called in Japanese. That was great.
So I will not think of this loss. Or about Purple Lips-Rod (oh man, that picture you had of Lidle's family - sad, but nice to see a little bit of a happy moment for them). AND NO, I DON'T WANT HIM EVEN IF HE HITS 100 HOMERUNS THIS YEAR! Instead I will remember this week, which began (well, the weekend) with Millar being described as a "Yankee killer" on ESPN, Varitek coming out of a slump and hitting like a machine, a blow-out game, and Papelbon being outstanding last night. And how about VARITEK'S BIRTHDAY!!
The Captain is now 35. Save your comments on that.
AP Photo: Elise Amendola
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