Football is almost here... I can smell it!

Speaking of which, Beckham made his official MLS debut as a replacement in yesterday's game. Good to know he's getting all better. And I still like Victoria! I wanna see another show of hers!
And what's with the stupid Blue Jays? Can't get over the fact that A-Rod yelled something TWO MONTHS AGO!!! Get on with it and stop throwing to hit him already! And I don't blame Roger for trying to protect his teammate! I would've done the same thing! And now he gets a nice 5-day vacation for it :)
Going back to the Bonds thing, how about a Mets fan catching the infamous ball? hahaha... I couldn't stop laughing at that one! He and his friend, in full Yankee gear, bought the tickets last minute. Talk about luck!
Football is here!!!! So exciting. Although the Colts lost last night, which I didn't watch, I think they'll be just fine.
Any exciting Dolphins news? I was disappointed to see they don't play the Colts. WTF?!@#%
Above photo: Anthony J. Causi, MLB
Barry's photo: Marcio Jose Sanchez, AP
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