Monday, August 06, 2007

Winning 101

I would rather watch Barry Bonds, followed by going to a Barry Bonds Buffet Blowout Barbeque than watch anything A-Fraud related, Dear Criss. Then I will go to a Cowboys game, followed by a Packers game, followed by lunch with Keyshawn, then some soccer with Beckham. Those are all things I'd rather be doing.

Anyway, you need to lay off of Michael Irvin. As much as I couldn't stand him and the Cowboys, I know he realizes he's done stupid things, and I'm happy for him to have changed his course. He's our local boy! Come on! Do you cheer for the U, or what?!

I saw some of the dirt bike tricks during the X games. It's really ridiculous. However, I missed the crazy fall. You have to be out of your mind. How many times do you practice nearly killing yourself before you get it down? Speaking of nearly killing yourself, that Mariners moose better learn how to stay on its side of the field before Big Papi - or Tito - hurts it. I nearly lost my mind when I saw that highlight (and when I heard Kason Gabbard was gone, and when I saw SI only did a two-pager on Bill Walsh and when I saw 6 1/2).

So, do me a favor and lose a few games. Realize, before you flaunt it, that you are playing some easy games. ... Although we blew a few easy one with the Royals.

Hey Red Sox: WIN!


AP photo: Ted S. Warren


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