Rain rain go away!

This is the strangest thing I've seen in a World Series in quite a while. It sort of reminds me of the 96 series when Steinbrenner had helicopters fly real low to dry up the grass at Yankee Stadium. Maybe someone should show the Phillies' ground crew some of that footage.
So the Rays didn't get off to a great start. Luckily, they were able to score the tying run on Tuesday's game. And hopefully they'll pull it off again tonight. And then it's back to taking it one game at a time.
What are you doing these days with no Sox? I heard V-Tek is calling it quits!
The Dolphins pulled off another victory! It's so exciting to watch them win. Too bad I can't say the same about the Colts. What's wrong, Peyton?
I could care less about Brady and his incompetent "LA" doctors. That's what happens when you follow Giselle around.
Basketball season is here! I caught just a bit of SportsCenter this morning... just enough to see Pierce shed a tear when he was introduced. How touching.
Happy Halloween!!!
Photo: David J. Phillip, AP
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