America campeon!

The Dolphins didn't play the best, but ended up with the win. I don't blame them playing for so-so in that 10-degree weather!
With that, they now have to win agains the J-E-T-S. Now, I don't dislike the Jets or Brett, as you know, but these are the Dolphins we're talking about! The mighty Dolphins that have come out of nowhere to be one game away from their first playoffs in years! Go get 'em 'fins!
I'm glad we agree on that!

As far as America de Cali - they're the futbol team from Cali, Colombia. They just won their first futbol (soccer) championship since 2002 and I couldn't be happier. My family and I have always been a fan! And now we celebrate their victory! Woo-hoo!!!

Rox, I am out for the rest of the year at work starting tomorrow since they closed the office for the holidays :) With that said, I'll be checking the computer periodically. If you don't hear from me, please don't litter the blog with Sox stuff... please! jk
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Be safe and enjoy!
- Criss
Photos: 1. Ed Zerga, AP; 2. Barton Silverman, NY Times; 3. Juan Carlos Quintero, El Tiempo.
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