After what seemed an eternity, Alex Rodriguez became the youngest member of the 600 Club, Dear Roxy. I know that like me, you've been waiting patiently for 12 days between 599 and 600. I wish ARod would've hold on until the Red Sox series this weekend to belt it out. I mean, what's two more days, right?
With this 600 behind us, can we please get back into first place? I know the Rays have a great time, but so do we. Let's get to it!
What else is happening in the world of sports? Oh yes, football is here. Sorta. Players are starting to report to camp.
Have I really been away that long? Here's what happened. My dog ate my password.
Speaking of dogs -
Rest in peace, Muñeco. May you be happy in doggy heaven.
I will truly miss you and your barking :(
Kathy Willens, AP
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