Wake me up when September ends

Football is here and what a great weekend it was! The Dolphins won their season opener; their first season open win in about 6 years I believe. But the Colts lost though. I’m guessing they still think they’re in pre-season. Get to it, Peyton! Oh, can I just tell you how happy I was when I learned that Romo and the Cowboys lost? Very happy indeed.
Speaking of losing and winning, and losing again, how about the AL East, Dear Roxy?
I can’t bear to watch these games. It wouldn’t be as bad if the Yankees weren’t losing to the Orioles… the Orioles(!), and then getting swept by the booming Rangers!
I’m just glad we’re back on top, for now. Tonight’s game will probably be as close as the last two. And while the Rays and Yankees are fighting each other, the creepy Red Sox are getting closer and closer. I can’t take this. Wake me up when September ends!
And people need to stop talking bad about Jeter and his ailing numbers. They need to realize he's the driving force on the team. The guy that gets on base and scores the runs and the guy that's always hustling to first base on a grounder, among many things. And they seem to forget he's also known as Mr. October #2.
Reggie loses the Heisman. What else is new?
Scott Audette, Reuters
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