What Could Have Been

I'm telling you, when I saw that all my predictions were wrong, my knees were trembling going into that game, Dear Criss. (Now I hear Brady had surgery in his foot recently.) So, like I said, I'm not rooting for Pittsburgh anymore these days, but I do hope they beat the Jets. And I don't really want to hear about Jason Taylor's first real chance at a ring. Blah, blah, blah. Right now, it looks like Green Bay is going to the Super Bowl, which for me makes this a very boring matchup already. But wait, Chicago just scored and is one touchdown away from tying the game! I think I'd prefer Chicago to win.
Anyway, my mother broke the news to me that Johnny Damon and Manny Ramirez will be back together again in - drum roll - TAMPA BAY. Barf! It's bad enough playing Tampa. At least we'll have Carl Crawford. Let's just hope he lives up to expectations.
Photo: AP
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