Please Pass Me a Tissue, Millar

Okay, so guess who WASN'T at Spring Training? You guessed it (okay, I already told you), Varitek. Hello? Thanks a lot, JVar. And I was sick at the game(literally with a cold). BUT Millar was there. I was like a grandma with my purse. I had an umbrella, a Cowboy Up T-shirt, an SI, a tangerine, binoculars, tissues, Tylenol, a supermarket, etc. It was intense. Millar is a character even more so when you get to watch him the whole game. He's always laughing and restless. Papi signed some autographs and every girl there was wearing a Varitek T-shirt. Listen, I was ready to battle it out at the fence if he was there. I had my Sharpie ready like T.O., but no Tek. And I saw us in 40 years. There were these two older women there and they knew evry move made by the Sox and the Pats' front office. They were funny! So that's us. At the fence waiting for autographs.
And Tavarez - As for that fight... I'll tell you, I didn't like him in St. Louis and I still don't. That was lousy of him, I don't care what happened beforehand. Pull it together. He was there last week and so was Willie Mo Bob Thornton.
Still mad at Vinatieri and not liking him.
As for your Posada, don't like him.
Okay, I swear, I'm working on the pictures.
AP Photo, James A. Finley,
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