Late Breaking News: Red Sox Win Game!

Second, the Red Sox finally won a game. It has come to this. I was daydreaming on my way to work (and a little at work) about what kind of motivational speech I would give. Said a co-worker, "You'd be a mean coach." It's not mean, it's motivation. Someone's gotta give it. I'm channeling "Miracle" and "Glory Road" (Did I tell you to see it? It's good. Maybe you told me to see it.). I'm thinking roll the 2004 videos, call Millar, anything. I got a great NFL Films soundtrack that's a real motivator. I highly recommend it.
How cool and relieving was it to be eating dinner and see Tom Brady playing on t.v.? Again, I 'm looking for anything positive here.
P.S. Don't hit my players. I'll send a mad Youk after you. I will now practice self-control.
AP Photo, Charles Krupa
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