Trotting Along

As for Lester, Dear Criss, he's 22!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, not so much younger, but...
Okay, while today did not result in a sweep of the A's, I just want to salute Trot and Varitek's efforts yesterday that resulted in some funny highlights of Tek bringing in three runs and Papi huffing and puffing it in with Manny, seriously, rrrright behind him, mentally saying "Hurry up, man!" Oh man. Those two are clowns, but you can't do anything but love them. I know how much you do.
There's nobody I'm excited about in the trade rumors, but I'll swap someone for Wells. Francona said something like he's a freak of nature and can roll out of bed, have a BEER and pitch well. Okay, Terry, did you hear yourself?!! Somehow, I don't think that's Schilling's technique, but call me crazy.
Photo: Reuters
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