Saturday, July 15, 2006

Hoping for the Best - Soon. Well Okay, Now

Okay, Dear Criss, I am so embarrassed to even write about this, but since supposedly we're friends, I'm gonna go ahead. I can't believe we have lost three straight games. One extra innings loss that kept my hopes up through the 19th inning with the White Sox (that should've been a win for us), and two losses against Oakland - one of which was also an extra innings game. I don't like this and currently, we're only ahead of your jerks by 1 1/2 games. Unacceptable.

Okay, so apparently, only your team does charity?! Whatever. What do I need to do, be the PR person for the Sox and whip out a list for you? Forget it. ;) But yes, I saw two of those Make-A-Wish segments and it was very nice. I missed Bruschi. Was a little upset about that.

Now, I am not going to panic yet. Not completely. But I sure do hope Theo is actively panicking and carefully choosing some new pitchers. And please, no more 15-3 blowouts.


Photo: AP, Charles Krupa/


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