Um, who made that great catch? Coco.
You know, sometimes,
Dear Criss, you nail my emotions right on the head with your post titles. I feel pretty good after this weekend
. I think the Sox pretty much took it easy on Fri., then picked it up to get 2-3 from the Marlins. This series shouldn't have been like a playoff series, so I wouldn't expect anything less than 2-3. And still...
But come on! We had fun. Granted, everyone was tired from work, but we had an ecclectic group and had a good time. And Mike Lowell getting an ovation. Nice. He said he's never been in a situation like that and enjoyed it. Was gonna watch it later 'cause his mom taped it.

Today, I enjoyed watching my first live, in-person Varitek homerun. It was like they were giving away free Ben & Jerry's, it felt so good. The man is pure muscle. He ran the bases and not a tiny piece of fat wiggled on those legs. Nothing. Then, as luck would have it, my sister and I sat in front of Beevis and Butthead. They were sooo annoying and sounded like them, mocking every Sox player. Anyway, after a few runs, they quieted down and mysteriously left before we all did. We had the two cutest little boys in front of us who warmed up our section to do Red Sox chants and one yelled at the ump like he would take him down - that is, until his dad pulled him down by his shirt.

Good times. Oh yeah, it was so disgustingly HOT. Worse than Friday. And did I mention our seats were SO AWESOMELY GOOD?! Mirabelli looked human sized in the bullpen, as did the rest of the team. Everyone successfully got Francona to bring out Papelbon after a few chants. It was great and we won. Hanging out with the Red Sox Nation Family rocks.
Tek, Papi: AP Photos, Steve Mitchell; Lowell: AP
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