Happy Happy Happy

ARGENTINA is out!!! Drinks for everyone.
I actually got to see the extra time and penalty kicks! Argentina 2- Germany 4!
From excitement to boring, boring, boring… I can’t believe I have paid to submit myself to three hours of irritation by going to a Red Sox game! But I guess after all, I am the better friend here, Dear Roxy. Your words! And on top of it all, it's like 99 degrees out with 100% humidity!
OK, Pedro just doesn’t love NY. The day I root for the guy, what does he do? He crumbles in front of the Sox faithful! What a Loser! What happened to keeping it cool? I know - it went out the window! And then that stupid catch by that stupid guy! Hating!
The only great thing about the Yankees' win the day before was that A-ROD, out of all people, saved the day and the series for the Yankees! It always feels good when A-Rod does something good for his sake and that of the team. It can’t possibly feel good to be booed every time you make an out.
Happy 4th!!!
Oh yeah, see ya tonight!
Photo: AFP
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