Sunday, July 09, 2006

Blog Hog: Not so Shabby

Okay, Dear Criss, after 19 innings, the White Sox broke the stupid tie and won by a run. We almost had a sweep. It was torurous - almost like watching the World Cup (or the few minutes I saw). But, overall (I'm trying to stay very positive), we had a great showing against the White Sox. 2-3. But, man, it would've been a great highlight reel for the Red Sox. I daydreamed several scenarios in my head.

So Italy, won. Finally this thing is over. I saw a highlight of the French dude randomly head-butting the Italian dude in the chest. Hello? And my mom tells me the French coach took off his medal and stuck it in his pocket. Come on folksies. Geez.

Anyway, I'm blog hogging, so I'm gonna run off now. It's my first day back to work from vacation tomorrow, so I gotta get some sleep to be alert. Hmm, I'm thinking I need to schedule my next vaca tomorrow. Is that too fast?


Photo: Reuters


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