Tell Me Something Good

You know when you check in to see your favorite show and realize it’s a re-run. Then you check the next week and the next week until it no longer fazes you that it’s a re-run? That’s how I feel about the Red Sox. After the game 5 results against the Yankees, it didn’t even bother me anymore. I just went, Oh, they lost.
I’m hoping, that like with my/our favorite TV show, there is a new episode and it’s good and worth the wait. And you forget about the bad weeks, the re-runs, the pointless guest appearances, ’cause now the show is turning around for the best – and the season finale – perfect.
The New York Times wrote regarding Varitek, “‘He’s a huge part of this team, but you can’t use that as a crutch if you want to win,’ Epstein said.” Thanks, Theo. Plaster that in the locker room. That’s exactly what I’m saying. I just can’t comprehend this. It makes me so mad, but as the Yankee security guard at work said - after I ranted on about how I would yell and scream at these folks - they’re already down on themselves, so you can’t yell at them. I’m not 100% sold on that, but I do have a heart. Sheesh. Do you want it? That's all I'm saying - everyday.
Anyway, I’m not up for a whole Varitek blog today. I need some comfort food, i.e. a tub of ice cream.
Photo from Film, "Anchorman"
comfort food= Carvel!
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