I suppose when you read my posts you feel equally grossed out as I do when I feel yours,
Dear Criss. The total love fest for even the smallest things the Yankees do: "The Yankees smiled at a little girl today." "The Yankees helped a stray dog cross the street." "Jeter stopped the play to allow a guy to drink his beer undisturbed."
While I am not thrilled with the outcome of our last series (as usual, questionable calls), I'm ready for the next match-up in, what, two weeks? And I guess the league wants to chat with your buddy Giambi. Meanwhile, it's a long weekend, and guess what? I have the day off and took off yesterday. So things are g-o-o-d. I think they may show the Rangers game, so I wouldn't mind a good game on my day off or this weekend.

Anyway, I am big-time craving KFC and am debating whether or not to make it a reality. HOLY SMOKES, we have to discuss me meeting Anderson Cooper (How did that transition happen? Mashed potatoes: Anderson Cooper). Did I already give you the full story? I somehow remember leaving a screaming "I MET ANDERSON COOPER" voicemail, but otherwise I don't remember; I think I told everyone in sight already. It was very cool. I got my book signed, exchanged a few words, and have funny stories.
HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND! Remember our troops!Roxy
Photos: Cooper - CNN.com & Tito - AP Photo, Kathy Willens
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