Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Denial: Over

Yes, Dear Roxy, I've been hiding underneath my bed, in my closet, in the trunk of my car and somewhere on the clouds (no cloud 9 here)... but I'm back and reeling from the pain that my Yanks, for three years in a row, have gone down in the Division Series.

I will say this though: BRING TORRE BACK! The Yanks were a mediocre team before he came in 1996… and for 12 years the Yanks have been on top… Lucky #13! Bring him back, dammit!!!

And with that said, bring back Posada, Rivera and Arod too! No kidding rule in effect here.

And how about them Rockies? First trip to the World Series. Good for them as they've been the hottest team in baseball... 21/22 games is unreal!

I won't say much about the Sox-Indians series but you know who I'm rooting for! hahahah



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