Best of Manny Being Manny

And can you believe I missed the Manny high five? My sister was telling me about it, and I looked it up on YouTube. Love it. The fan didn't even give him a decent high five. He looked like he didn't want to ruin the play. In the process, I found a Baseball Tonight Manny Being Manny special highlight reel. Check it out so I can make you puke. He's just too much. What can I say?
I went to the Miami International Agriculture & Cattle Show at Tropical Park this weekend. I thoroughly loved petting the goats and talking to sheep - oh yes - and talking to cows. They were cute and some had their babies with them. I feel like a real cowgirl now.
So my boys are getting back in shape and kicked some Brewer butt this weekend. Papi is coming along with two homeruns today. Varitek was even hitting. It was good. This week I have Friday off (and next Monday). It's an extra long Memorial Day weekend. Rockin'. I think the Mets kicked your butt.
Wait, since when do we care enough about Chipper Jones to blog about him?
You want game 7? Celtics win. Jazz are completely out.
AP photo, Nick Wass
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