Has Anybody Seen Pedroia's Hair? (It Looks Like This.)

Good God! Mother of pearl, I had no idea about that Yankee fan killing the Red Sox fan. That is the saddest story ever. Oh my gosh, I just can't even deal with how ridiculous that was. They donated his organs. People need to chill. Chill, chill, chill. No one should be dying over baseball. No one. There are some Web sites that think this was a good thing, that it was funny. Tell your people to chill.
Deep breath. And exhale.
So I'm watching Detroit-Red Sox (and Dancing with the Stars), Dear Criss, and I was thinking, What baseball needs are a few football rules, like "incomplete." How about if a person catches the ball, but it's shaky, and he doesn't have control of the ball when his knees touch the ground, then it's not considered caught? Just think about it. It's actually a little funny to think about. Uh, oh. Matsuzaka just went into the dugout - or really, the locker room, looking like he was gonna mess it up real badly like a rock star drunk in a hotel room with the band. Francona and Farrell walked behind him.
Wait! Pedroia totally shaved his head. Oh no. There will be none of that, a la 2003. Some people (Pedroia) just look way too funny (Pedroia). I don't approve (Pedroia). This picture was just from last night. What happened? Did he lose a bet?
My boys swept Tampa Bay, and Brandon Moss went off to have an emergency appendectomy. Why not? Hello?!
Okay, I just saw the softball video. I mean, that just tugs at your heart, now. But what do they all share? The video cuts off. TELL ME!
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