All about the Olympics!

I can't get enough of them. I'm just glad they don't have it every year or I would be a walking zombie.
My favorite is Swimming! By far! Michael Phelps has been so incredible. I just can't get enough of him. I hope he gets the record too. It's just incredible what this kid has been able to do. Five gold medals, five World Records. And this is just the beginning.
The men's swimming also happens to be easy on the eyes :)
And that relay - the one where the French thought they would "smash" the Americans - Oh, how sweet that victory was.
I also watched the women's gymnastics. They were a little disappointing but good nonetheless. And the men... they came out of nowhere and got what no one thought they would. Good for them!
And the "women's" Chinese gymnastic is a bunch of BS. Those girls look like they're 8 years-old!
I didn't get a chance to watch the Opening Ceremonies but I heard they were amazing. And so if some of it was fake? It was a success; one that no one will be able to top... or so I hear!
PS: I don't want to talk about the Yankees and how deep they've sunk, BUT what are they waiting for? We're in mid-August! Not April or May, August! Come on, kids, play hard and win!
Photo: Timothy Clary, AFP
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