Coming Along

In an effort to change that, I tried getting into football this weekend and succeeded. I was able to watch the whole Dolphins game, as well as a large part of the Colts game. And I was very glad I stuck around as I saw both teams win! I heard Ben cried after the loss - hahaha! There's no crying in football!
The Dolphins made me suffer toward the end of the game as they always do. Why can't they just have blow out all the time? That'd be better.
And speaking of wins - how about them Golden Panthers? They are now 4-5! I didn't even know they'd won 3 games prior to their win this weekend. Good for them. They're coming along...
In baseball news, Andy Pettitte signed for free agency. Please bring him back! And what's up with not signing Giambi? He'd come along.
It looks like the new Yankee Stadium is almost finished. They moved home plate and the pitching rubber to the new stadium this weekend. With that said, I'm sort of excited to see the new stadium next year.
And congrats to Evan Longoria from the Tampa Bay Rays for winning the Rookie of the Year award. Hard to believe he's a rookie!
Photo: Jason De Crow, AP
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