The Dolphins are in!
I forgive you, Dear Roxy, and only because yesterday was your birthday.
Happy belated Birthday on behalf of Sporting Gals.
Hope you had a great time.
I am HAPPY! The Dolphins made it to the playoffs!! Woooo-hoooo!!!!! I'm so happy and relieved. Unfortunately I wasn't able to watch it since I was at Cirque du Soleil (fantastic show btw), but I did see all the highlights I could possibly see!

All the hard work finally paid off for these guys. Chad was amazing! Sorry about Brett, but I said before - these are the Dolphins!
So guess what? I won't be able to wach the game this Sunday either [insert tears here]. I'm going camping and I doubt that I'll be back before the game is over! I'm just gonna have to call people for updates like I did this past Sunday.
So guess what? I won't be able to wach the game this Sunday either [insert tears here]. I'm going camping and I doubt that I'll be back before the game is over! I'm just gonna have to call people for updates like I did this past Sunday.
My happiness doesn't end there, Rox! Your dirty Pats and Romo's Cowboys are gone too! Woo-hoo! You know how I feel about Brady, and well, Romo annoys me at times. There's always next year boys... maybe your girlfriends can console you. hehe
In the meantime, go Dolphins!!!!!
Happy New Year, Dear Readers.
Thank you for keeping up with us. See you in '09!
Photo: Mike Segars, Reuters
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