Who Needs the Not-So-Smooth Skating When You Got Gabe

Don't act like you don't own all of Kenny Chesney's albums, Dear Criss. 'Cause you know I am all about Kid Rock - um, NEVER!
So what happened to the figure skaters last night? I was incredibly disappointed. Sasha fell twice in the beginning of her program; Emily Hughes is a doll, but didn't hold on to her landing; Irina Slutskaya fell?! I was shocked by Irina! I have to admit, I really admire her skills. That girl from Hungary is someone to watch. As much as I huffed and puffed the other night about the Japanese girl making the top list during the short program b/c of her performance, she really did earn that gold. She out-skated everyone. Something strange about medalists having fallen in their programs (Not the Japanese girl, and what a nice blue outfit. Very elegant.). So snowboarding, huh?
Yes, totally shocked Jerry's still there with the meanies. Go Jerry! But you know they're cutting him, so we have to back Drew when that happens, okay? Definitely still sad when I see Lisa.
Listen, you don't have to crack jokes about me driving all over the state and Varitek not being at the games. I'm telling you, the idea makes me sick. JVar, please????!!! What are you trying to say, that my tickets will sell for like $3 on eBay? And what's the deal with Manny? There's always a deal with Manny, isn't there. I can't take this emotional rollercaoster, so I'm not thinking about it. He won't be at Spring Training until Mar. 1. I'm not buying a Manny Being Manny T-shirt either!
FINALLY, my friend in Cali told me she saw Tommy Brady at Pebble Beach. Where are the pictures, P.? I need to feature them here. She said the ladies were swooning. Control yourselves, people!
Photo: Barry Chin, Boston Globe. boston.com
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