Not the Only One

So Kim in Arkansas (I'm still laughing about the Brady "free agent" joke.) was mentioning this whole Roger-Clemens-possibly-going-back-to-the-Sox nonsense. I already brainwashed myself into not liking him, so I'm not going to think about this until there's a final decision. It would be kinda cool. Make for a good ESPN feature story. But I'm leaning toward him saying no. I really don't see him coming back. I mean, call me Peter Gammons.. =) Okay, not even close.
Oh, if anyone is bitter about A-Fraud (don't need him, didn't need him for the ring), it's the one whose player got picked up and beat up and lost that year. Ahem, no names.
Am I the only one who watched some of the pre-Pro Bowl festivities? I watched the flag football game between Team Young and Team Elway. Steve still has it. Um, but he mentioned that it was good for him to play today b/c his wife doesn't quite get how he was a major player - and a good one. So now she gets to watch him and see. I wish I had a quote. I was kinda stunned at that one. Someone get her some film from the BYU days until 1998 and lock her in a room for a week until she understands.
Have you seen the commercial for one of those prescriptions where the lady's a crazy Packers/Brett Favre fan and she watches the games with her husband and all his friends? Well she has a couch pillow with his face on it and her husband is leaning against a Favre lifesize cardboard cut-out. HA! Am I that crazy? I don't have any couch pillows of players, I swear.
AP Photo, Ronen Zilberman;
Um, Rox, nice shot of Steve. Definitely making his ass-ets pretty obvious.
Oh my gosh, I swear, I didn't even notice. Not my intention, I swear! I wouldn't want to set the feminist movement back by 10 years, promise. I was actually kinda worried it was too Elway, but guess that didn't stand out, huh?
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