Not appreciated

No, I didn't want to bother Arod. Only a hurt-and-annoyed-Red Sox-fan would have said something like that. Because you know you still cry yourself to sleep thinking about not only Arod, but Damon, and all that could have been... Oh, how good it is to be a Yankee...
Did you hear about The Great One: Gretzky? Somebody is in trouble. It sucks how one thing can damage a great career. Hopefully this is just a bump in the road.
I'm kind of excited about the Winter Olympics. Maybe they could have them here next time; we are plunging into the 60s you know?
Glory Road. We have a date!
"Because you know you still cry yourself to sleep thinking about not only Arod, but Damon, and all that could have been... Oh, how it good it is to be a Yankee..."
Interesting comment seeing as though we won a World Series more recently, Arod ruined the Yankees, there's no way the Sox win a World Series with ARod because he lacks clubhouse chemistry with ANYONE, and Damon is going to suck in NYC and we all know it, plus the fact that most real yankee fans don't like Damon to begin with. Not the best time to be a Yankees fan when Sox fans still have the upper edge right now. You might have a nasty offensive next season, but what beats a good offense? Pitching and Defense. The sox have both and you have neither. Good luck NY. Third place finish this year. Great time to be a Yankee.
Yeah, I think she forgot what happened. You know those NY fans...
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I hope you're not telling me I'm not a real Yankee fan, Noah G. I'm still not sold on the whole Damon thing, but if he can help the Yankees like Roger and others have in the past, then you know what? I'm all for it.
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