Ft. Myers or Bust!

So Spring Training was great! It took foooorever to get to Ft. Myers. I saw alligators along Alligator Ally. It was frightening. There were people on the road from everywhere. I felt like I was 10 playing "Name that License Plate." Quebec, TN, NJ, VT… When we got to the game, we found out there was a 2-hr. delay b/c there was oil on the road which backed-up the Phillies. Of course, I was seated on the Phillies’ side, so I was right by the buses and could care less. Got my first glimpse of Coco Crisp, got to see Trot Nixon, Youk, Wakey, the new guys and MANNY. Okay, even from far away, the new "Look," is frightening. And let’s just say that those battling it out for the back-up catcher job can all go home. It was terrible. No one can catch Wakey like Mirabelli.
MIRABELLI, I’m sorry I didn’t appreciate you as much as I should have. I’m sorry it was all about Varitek.
They played Kenny Chesney and the guys next to me were totally cracking on it, and I like that song! But the DJ got the timing of songs like "Sweet Caroline" and "Dirty Water" all wrong and played music that was too modern. Baseball = Classic Rock and nothing else, buster! THE BEST PART OF THE WHOLE AFTERNOON was seeing this guy’s T-shirt that said, "Jeter Drinks Wine Coolers." LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! I need that one.
So, Varitek offered A-Rod the salt and pepper? It’s all he could do to contain himself from rage, I guess.
I'll put up one of my pics soon. Computer issues, you know...
AP Photo, Charles Krupa; YahooSports.com
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