Oh, I See Exactly What's Going On

Listen, someone tell Johnny Traitor to shut his trap. Re: Manny: "He thought for sure he was going to be gone," Damon said Tuesday. "Unfortunately for him, he's not. He's been there for five years. He just wants a change. He knows how good he is. It's just an unfortunate situation." 3.2.06, Tyler Kepner, New York Times
Yeah, wow. Poor Manny. It must be hard being loved by a whole city and playing with your best friend. But I promised I wouldn't talk about this. I promised I wouldn't let Manny toy with my emotions! I'm just going to remain straight-faced until he says something really bad, like, "I never liked Varitek. I just pretended I did." At which point, I will lose my composure.
But how much did I laugh when I read this in that same article: "He was playful with teammates, wrapping some in hugs and earning a new nickname, Ricky Williams, because his dreadlocks make him look like the Miami Dolphins' running back."
Stop worrying about Boston and your old "friends" and just mind your own business in New York, Johhny.
AP Photo, Jim Mone; YahooSports.com
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