Happy Ending = Lack of Sleep

"Bean heads"? "Infatuation"? Um, the Millar photo-op obsession is called "heartbreak over losing the funniest guy on the team." Mr. "Cowboy Up." I don't see Varitek picking up the torch! But we love Varitek for his focus, not the career in comedy he gave up years ago. But, fine, I'll let it (Millar) go until we play them again this week. Hee, hee, hee.
The Matsui situation was ugly. (Don't give ESPN another reason to obsess over the Yankees.) Wakefield was beautiful. The offense was lacking. The score made up for it. I was happy, but it's so stressful. And now we lost two games 'causa rain! Well, I see ESPN is gonna show Sox-Orioles this week. So it's cool.
So you went to see that guy who sings, "You're beautiful, you're beautiful, you're beautiful, you're beautiful, you're beautiful"? What's the deal, I can write that stuff, too. It's okay, I guess, but saddddd.. Augh.
Photo: Jim McIsaac, Getty Images
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