Friday, October 27, 2006

Get Back, Loretta

Okay, Dear Criss, I promise that I will get better at keeping up with you. I swear, I need to leave work before the cleaning crew gets in. I will. So what's the deal with the QB controversy in Dallas? People? I don't see Drew as a back-up. And the Dolphins - listen, I could re-run my last post. But Ben! Come on, man. Stop getting beat up. No more doctor calls. Can someone throw holy water on him? Maybe a bucket full of it? Maybe he should regrow his old beard.

Dancing with the Stars - Since when can football players dance? Emmitt is making Jerry Rice look bad. That's all I have to say. And we know Jerry was the runner up last year, so...

Who you rooting for in the World Series? Tell. I kinda don't care. Is that okay?


Photo: Brian Bahr, Getty Images


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