Thursday, October 19, 2006

Taking Over

I will take over now. Thank you very much, Dear Roxy. Wow. It's good to be back. Not that I've gone away, but yeah. Does going to Tampa count? 'Cause I did go there this weekend.

Anyway, back to our loveable and huggable blog.

Talking about huggable and loveable, how about that FIU-Miami brawl? Go Golden Panthers! What were they thinking? Oh yeah, they weren't! I must add that UM got the best of it. One indefinite suspension while FIU got like 13 plus 2 players taken out of the football program. That blows! And now they're talking about canceling next year's game. Whoosh!

And baseball... what a painful subject. Ever since my Yankees were disqualified and Cory Lidle and Tyler Stanger passed, I haven't been paying much attention. I do have a team I'm rooting for, but I won't say which one. It'll be my thing ;)

And back to Cory Lidle and his flight instructor, Tyler Stanger. Their deaths put eveything into perspective. Baseball it's just a freakin' game. Their deaths: reality.
For anyone that takes the game to serious - don't! Baseball is just a game... just like football, soccer, basketball and everything in between. It's entertainment. We shouldn't take the game too seriously, because it's just that; a game.



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