Sunday, July 01, 2007

Sox in Seattle!

Okay, so it was a sweep, but the experience was so much fun, Dear Criss! Loved it. Kim and I had FOURTH ROW SEATS. Get out!!!!! No kidding. My pics came out a little fuzzy, but I tried enlarging and brightening, so CVS is in charge until tomorrow at this point. But I have a CD with some highlights. We saw VARITEK (FINALLY) and everyone else, too. 'Tek no longer eludes me. The two year streak is over. Pedroia, Youk (who has fans everywhere), Papi, Manny - the whole crew was there. Portland was so incredibly beautiful and Seattle was fantastic with charming neighborhoods! They both have great atmospheres and people. I can officially do a Claritin D commercial now, though. Oh, they totally checked my ID when I was purchasing it and wrote my info. in this huge book. It was a little scary. The apples in Portland are tastier (I hope P. is reading this). I don't know how I can every go back to normal apples. The air smells cleaner over there. And in Seattle and Portland, traffic are totally bearable compared to Miami. So we'll get together and swap stories! Fun, fun, fun.

I expect the Sox to pick it up this week (as in beat Texas Monday and rock Tampa Bay). In the meantime, you better keep doing what you're doing to help us keep the lead.



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