Thursday, February 14, 2008

Some cheese

Apparently you are, Dear Roxy. That was insane! I couldn't believe that he skated off! I'm just glad he's doing good. And kudos to everyone for their quick response, too.

And yes, it seems that Roger is in a pickle! Come on, people, leave him alone.

Let's start making plans for a baseball game! And no, I won't attend a Red Sox game unless you attend a Yankee game with me, Rox. This is where I put my foot down in our friendship! ;)

And I'm smelling some Big Cheese! Let's do that, too.

In other news, gosh, I have none. Spygate stuff still coming up... Heat keep losing... what else is new?

Oh, yeah, I have a long President's Day Weekend, too! My first one ever!



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