
Funny story. My sister called me the other day while she was listening to a Spanish radio station or something. They were talking about the Super Bowl and referred to it as the "Super Tazon"! LOLOLOL. Too funny.
So, the big game is upon us! It can't come fast enough. I'm not sure where I'll be, but I'll be sure to have a "tazon" full of chips next to me!
I totally saw the Jeter Super Bowl commercial online. I keep forgetting how handsome he is :)
And speaking of which, how handsome was Chuck Knoblauch back in his playing days? Super! Not anymore though. He put on a few pounds and he doesn't look like himself anymore. I think he needs to get on the Dan Marino diet.
We're totally fighting Monday!
- Criss
Photo: Julie Jacobson, AP
PS: Step by Step, ooh, baby, gonna get to you girrrl! I definitely had the NKOB posters plastered all over my wall. Those were the days! haha! That'll be our next concert!
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