Super Bowl Bound!

Pats - Giants.
This is gonna be good.
And barf, of course you're gonna go for Eli and his Giants. You know, Dear Criss, I felt bad for Brett. I am getting old and turning into a sentimental sports sucker. But you know what? He's been there before. So if he decides to retire this year or in ten more years, it'll be okay. And speaking of - I ordered the commemorative Red Sox Sports Illustrated mag and they sent me the
Sportsman of the Year Brett Favre issue. I called them and the lady said, "Do you know how lucky you are?" Apparently these sold so well they reproduced 4,000 extra copies, which were gone in a week. Guess I need to contact the Smithsonian or Green Bay historical society.

And although I'm late, I wanted to point out one of my old 49er faves Bryant Young who is very likely retiring. He's been aroung for 14 years, is a four-time Pro Bowler, and the last guy left from the Super Bowl glory days of old with Steve Young. Went out with a win (thank you Niners).

So here's to all the media hype preceding the Super Bowl, and here's to us arguing about how the other person is ridiculous for rooting for X team.
Bruschi: Boston Globe, Barry Chin; Reuters
Bryant Young: San Francisco Chronicle, Michael Macor
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