Of course I'm rooting for the other team, Dear Roxy. What kind of fan do you think I am?... I still want the Dolphins to have the only undefeated season.
I can't wait to catch up on some football this weekend. I must admit I missed it just a bit while I was gone. But now that I'm here, I miss eveything from there :( I should leave more often... it can only balance itself out that way, I think.
Although I was rooting for the Chargers last week, it's all about the Colts this weekend. I can't wait to see Manning in action after what it seems like a month. I think it will be a good weekend all around.
And yes, I will still defend Roger.... and the whole I've never used steroids deal.
Since you mentioned Johan, I must add that the Mets were looking to sign him too, but weren't willing to give up their prospects. I think Santana's signing is gonna be tougher than he initially thought. We shall see.
In basketball news, I know nothing. Please enlighten me!
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