Blog Hog: It was Supposed to Be Competitive

Although I should give up the predictions, I'm gonna say the NFC championship will likely be Green Bay-Dallas. AFC? Pats-Colts or Pats-Steelers. Wait, is that last one possible? Hm. I gotta check the standings. Can you imagine Brett Favre and Tom Brady? Holy smokes!
Okay. I'm done for now, Dear Criss. Where are you? I mean, just because you're almost done with school and all...
Dolphins: Still winless. Eek.
And on behalf of Kim in Seattle and myself, I'm completely over ESPN magazine. My reasons: for not giving much coverage to the Sox in the playoffs and World Series (and, per Kim, they seem to be Coach K haters). One back page pic when we won the series, and one picture spread with the word "luck" included in a brief paragraph. But guess who's on the cover this week? Joba. There's plenty to read there. Oh goody. I'm sticking with SI, which had the guts to put Boston teams on the cover for four weeks straight.
AP photo, Winslow Townson
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