Tuesday, January 08, 2008

I'm back!

I leave for two weeks and this blog becomes Red-Sox filthy! Argh!!!

I am so out of the loop on sports, Dear Roxy. I can definitely tell you sports-related stories from the homeland but what good will it do?

I do know one thing, Rox, Pettitte admitted to using HGH, not steroids. And I am still behind Roger – 100%!

BTW, thank you for the grad wishes! I am finally done… for now… I think.

I see the Pats are a perfect 16-0… nothing like a good spoiler in the post-season. And did he break Manning’s record? If he did, I like him even less.

Go Dolphins! Glad to see you didn't go winless. Whew!

Congrats to LSU for winning the big one - I must admit I found myself rooting for the OSU - but well deserved!

And no more Red Sox crap on this thing... as soon as you go out of town, it's Yankee's pinstripes, girl!


PS: Happy belated Birthday, Rox!!!
Although you were a bit sick, I'm sure you found a way to have a good time :)


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