
You want an update on the Heat? They're still losing. Now to the exciting stuff...
I love football. I really do. It's the only sport where I enjoy watching the other games/teams to figure out who's gonna play who. I footballed myself out this weekend. Brett Favre is a maverick. Peyton shouldn't have lost to the Lighting Bolts. Eli in the NFC Championship game?! That boy has matured immensly in his game. It's almost like he then exploded with New England. But can he take on Favre? I don't think so. You know, after so many years of just not being able to stand old Brett (particularly during the Steve Young years), I now have a soft spot for him. Don't mind him much at all these days. I was actually happy for him. If it comes down to him and Brady, imagine what a game that would be. A shoot out by the best of the quarterbacks.

Finally, I know some folks said Romo going to Mexico during the off days with the chick-whose-name-I-will-not-write-here was really not a big deal. I think it was. Maybe some players can handle it, but after a terrible ending to his season last year, he should've been exercising to the Rocky soundtrack everyday. I think he should have remained focused in Texas or the region, ready to take on the G-men. I think it hurt him big time, and I'm waiting for comments from T.O. and Jerry-Sidelines-Jones.
What did you think?
17: Getty Images, Jim McIsaac
Moss: AP, Charles Krupa
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